Optimizing oracle database performance: Reducing row migration and enhancing access efficiency by tuning PCT Free and PCT Used

Murali Natti *

Lead Database Engineer | DevOps Lead | Database Architect | Cloud Infrastructure Solutions Expert | DB Security Lead
International Journal of Science and Research Archive, 2024, 12(02), 3014-3016.
Article DOI: 10.30574/ijsra.2024.12.2.0577
Publication history: 
Received on 09 July 2024; revised on 21 August 2024; accepted on 23 August 2024
In Oracle databases, efficient data storage and retrieval are paramount for maintaining high performance, especially in systems with large datasets and frequent updates. A critical aspect of database performance is the management of data storage within blocks, which directly impacts how rows are stored and accessed. Oracle uses parameters such as PCT Free and PCT Used to control space allocation and manage how data is stored within database blocks. Improperly configured settings for these parameters can lead to significant performance degradation, especially in terms of row migration. Row migration occurs when a row, after being updated, becomes too large to fit into its original block, resulting in the row being moved to another block. This introduces inefficiencies, leading to increased disk I/O, fragmented blocks, and degraded query performance. This white paper explores a comprehensive approach to optimizing Oracle database performance by fine-tuning the PCT Free and PCT Used parameters, ultimately reducing row migration and enhancing access efficiency. By adjusting these settings based on workload patterns, table structures, and row update frequencies, organizations can minimize unnecessary block accesses, improve overall space utilization, and reduce the I/O overhead that hampers system performance. The white paper provides a detailed exploration of the problem, the methodology for tuning these parameters, and the results achieved through a practical case study.
Oracle Database; PCT Free; PCT Used; Row Migration; Performance Tuning; Disk I/O; Space Utilization; Query Optimization; Block Access Efficiency
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