Analysis of healthcare professionals' perceptions of therapeutic education in hematology

Maha El Habchi 1, *, Aziza Elkihel 2, Yassine El Aatik 1 and Kamal Doghmi 3

1 Research Laboratory of Psychiatry, Medical Psychology and History of Medicine, Faculty of Medicine and Pharmacy, Mohammed V University, Morocco.
2 Department of Population, Teacher Midwife, manager at the rehabilitation unit, Ministry of Health, Rabat, Morocco.
3 Department of The Clinical Hematology Military Hospital Mohammed V 10045 Rabat, Mohammed V University, Morocco.
Research Article
International Journal of Science and Research Archive, 2024, 13(02), 1993–1998.
Article DOI: 10.30574/ijsra.2024.13.2.2330
Publication history: 
Received on 19 October 2024; revised on 01 December 2024; accepted on 04 December 2024
This article presents a qualitative analysis of healthcare professionals' perceptions of therapeutic patient education (TPE) in hematology. TPE is recognized as essential in managing chronic hematological diseases, enabling patients to better understand and manage their condition. The study reveals that healthcare professionals view TPE positively, emphasizing its crucial role in patient autonomy and therapeutic adherence. However, several barriers to its implementation are identified, including lack of time, inadequate educational resources, and insufficient continuous training. Professionals suggest improvements such as dedicating more time to TPE and introducing more interactive teaching materials. They also underline the importance of continuous training to better integrate TPE into clinical practice. The study concludes that TPE not only enhances patients' disease management but also improves the caregiver-patient relationship, contributing to better clinical outcomes.
TPE; Chronic disease; Healthcare professionals’ perception; Caregiver-patient relationship
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