Effective plant protein extraction to enhance plant protein functionality and impact of plant protein over animal protein on health

Munalisa Poppy *

Graduate Student, Nutrition and Food Science, Wayne State University, Detroit, Michigan, USA.
International Journal of Science and Research Archive, 2024, 13(02), 317-320.
Article DOI: 10.30574/ijsra.2024.13.2.1930
Publication history: 
Received 15 September 2024; revised on 02 November 2024; accepted on 04 November 2024
Plant proteins extracted with traditional method are generally of lower quality, with a less favorable amino acid profile as compared to animal protein. This review explores effective protein extraction methods to enhance plant protein functionality. Moreover, animal protein is associated with high risk of cardiovascular disease and other disease. This review will highlight the impact of plant protein over animal protein on cardiovascular disease and other health Issues.
Cardiometabolic Health; Animal Protein; Plant Protein; Cardiovascular Risk; Plant Based Protein (PBP); Randomized Control Trial (RCT).
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