Gastronomic optimization: Scientific approaches to enhancing restaurant performance

Tamaz Gomiashvili *

Le Grand Restaurant Chain in US.
International Journal of Science and Research Archive, 2024, 13(01), 2413–2418.
Article DOI: 10.30574/ijsra.2024.13.1.1632
Publication history: 
Received on 23 July 2024; revised on 29 August 2024; accepted on 31 August 2024
This paper examines scientific approaches to gastronomic optimization aimed at improving the efficiency of restaurants. The focus is on integrating modern technologies, including data analytics and artificial intelligence (AI), to improve the quality of service, optimize menus and manage inventory. Culinary innovations such as the Sous Vide cooking method and fusion cuisine, which enhance the gastronomic value of dishes, are also being explored. The use of data analytics allows you to better understand customer preferences and make offers more targeted, and the introduction of AI helps to increase operational efficiency and ensure uniformity in service. In addition, the importance of POS systems for sales and inventory management, as well as improving the customer experience, is emphasized. Thus, scientifically based methods and technologies play a key role in increasing the competitiveness of the restaurant business and meeting the growing demands of consumers.
Gastronomic optimization; Optimization; Improving the efficiency of the restaurant; Optimizing the operation of restaurants
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