Evaluating variation in school dropout rates in rural Nepal: A statistical study

Nikesh Lagun * and Rohan Prasad Sah

Department of Science, St. Xavier’s College, Maitighar, Kathmandu, Nepal.
Research Article
International Journal of Science and Research Archive, 2024, 12(01), 1063–1073.
Article DOI: 10.30574/ijsra.2024.12.1.0899
Publication history: 
Received on 16 April 2024 revised on 23 May 2024; accepted on 25 May 2024
This study discusses the complex range of factors that impact educational quality and school dropout rates in Nepal. It mainly considers such factors as socio-economic, cultural, and environmental ones. Some of the most common problems include social norms, the prevalence of early marriage, poverty, high levels of illiteracy, lack of access to schools and school facilities, inadequate transportation, and lack of learning materials. The analysis uncovered severe variations in student-teacher ratios in institutional schools versus children in community schools in various provinces. The ratios were significantly higher in community schools and had a noxious impact on educational impressions. Furthermore, the investigation focuses on the connection between repetition rates and school leaving patterns. Repetition and repetition of many reasons of dropout were observed in the lower grades and transition phases, which were the most vulnerable and unstable periods to deal with. By statistical analysis, the case of high student-teacher ratios is proved, showing the imperativeness of the take-on measures. A problem of endurance in terms of the rural areas is crossing these hazardous places and the long travel distance in the way that dropout rates are increased even more. Cultural phenomena including early marital ties keep girls from getting continued education, increasing the number of female students who drop out at higher levels. The study reveals that improving infrastructure, creating economic assistance, enhancing the skills of the teachers, and encouraging community awareness as well is fundamental for the reduction of the dropout numbers and making quality education available for everyone. Accordingly, the time should be determined by elements targeting several factors that limit educational success in Nepal. which will facilitate more successful intervention in the at-risk persons and provide the children with equal education opportunities, thus, serving as one of the tolls for the future nation advancement.
Dropout Rates; Educational Quality; Socio-Economic Challenges; Student-Teacher Ratio; Early Marriage; Rural Education
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