Hyperopic tactics: Evaluating the effects of intentional constraints on collegiate soccer players' physical capabilities and temperaments

Timothy Hinchman 1, *, Carrie D. Taylor 2, Eric J. Lange 3, Sandra Shawver 2 and Michael Meachum 4

1 Department of Elementary and Special Education, Georgia Southern University, Georgia, US State.
2 Department of Counseling, Kinesiology, and Special Education, Midwestern State University, US State.
3 Department of Life Sciences, Tulsa Community College, US State.
4 Department of Athletic, Midwestern State University, US State.
Research Article
International Journal of Science and Research Archive, 2024, 11(02), 1102–1115.
Article DOI: 10.30574/ijsra.2024.11.2.0458
Publication history: 
Received on 07 February 2024; revised on 15 March 2024; accepted on 18 March 2024
This study, the second year in a longitudinal study, further examined the influence of constraints on the practice performance of collegiate soccer players, mediating role of the player’s individual temperament. Eighteen players from a geographic Midwest NCAA Division II university completed the Personality Plus test to establish their temperaments and measured their practice regiment performance using Game Performance Assessment Instrument. Data were collected across three rounds during the soccer season, involving input constraints, output constraints, and a constraint-free control condition. The results revealed significant performance differences between constraint trials and the control trial. For the second consecutive year, the data did not reveal any statistically significant correlation between temperaments and constraint influences, challenging the notion that temperaments effect on an individual’s response to constraints. The study underscores the importance for coaches to optimize training regimens and practice conditions by recognizing constraints' impact on performance, suggesting that temperament may not be the primary mediating factor. These results have shifted the researchers’ focus on the importance of communication, specifically how the message is interpreted and applied- possibly because of individual temperament. A new model, CECA provides a promising framework for understanding how coaching influences the problem space. This research provides valuable insights into how constraints affect NCAA Division II soccer players' performance, guiding coaches and sports professionals in tailoring effective training methods and constraints for enhanced player performance and overall team success.
Constraints; Performance; Temperament; Motivation style
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