A study to assess the effectiveness of video assisted teaching program regarding knowledge of ocular exercise on visual discomfort among children in selected school of the city

Sushmita Ravindra Shende *, Prachi Lokeshwar Kuthe, Divya Naresh Gedam, Neha Arvind Sonare, Swati Govindrao Jugade and Antara Dnyaneshwar Dharmik

Department of child health nursing of mksss, Sitabai Nargundkar College of nursing for women’s, Nagpur, India.
Research Article
International Journal of Science and Research Archive, 2023, 09(02), 606–614.
Article DOI: 10.30574/ijsra.2023.9.2.0613
Publication history: 
Received on 23 June 2023; revised on 04 August 2023; accepted on 07 August 2023
·         To assess the pre-test knowledge regarding ocular exercise on visual discomfort.
·         To assess the post-test knowledge regarding ocular exercise on visual discomfort. 3. To evaluate the effectiveness of video assisted teaching regarding ocular exercise on visual discomfort. 4. To associate the post-test knowledge score with selected demographic variable.
Methodology: A quantitative research approach with pre-test and post-test experimental design was used. Non probability Purposive sampling technique was adopted to select 60 school going children from selected school of the city.
Results: Assessment was done by using self-structured checklist on knowledge of ocular exercise on visual discomfort among children in selected school of the city. Analysis show that Minimum knowledge score in pre-test was 2 and maximum knowledge score in pre-test was 11. Mean knowledge score in pre-test was6.56±1.80 and mean percentage of knowledge score in pre-test was 32.83±9.03. Minimum knowledge score in post-test was 12 and maximum knowledge score in posttest was 20. Mean knowledge score in post-test was 16.96 ±1.50 and mean percentage of knowledge score in post-test was 84.83 ±7.53.
Conclusion: Analysis reveal that there is association of knowledge score with age, standard and rest of other were not associated with the knowledge score of ocular exercise on visual discomfort.
Video assisted teaching; Occular exercise; Visual discomfort
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