Observations on rare nesting site of Common Myna (Acridotheres tristis) in District Udhampur, J&K UT, India

Brinder Kumar * and Bal Krishan

Department of Zoology, GGM Science College Jammu, India.
Research Article
International Journal of Science and Research Archive, 2024, 11(02), 2117–2119.
Article DOI: 10.30574/ijsra.2024.11.2.0858
Publication history: 
Received on 19 February 2024; revised on 27 March 2024; accepted on 30 March 2024
Common Myna (Acridotheres tristis) generally build their nest on tree cavities, rock scarps, vertical earth banks, crevices in walls of houses, ventilators between ceiling and roof of buildings, utility poles, and sewage and gas pipes; occasionally inside canopy of trees and rarely on open trees.  In this study we documented the pictorial data on nesting site of Common Myna during March 2023 to August 2023 in Seyal Sallan village of district Udhampur JK, UT (32º91’N, 75º14’E; 704m SL), India. During investigations 3 nos. of open nests of Common Myna were found on the Phulai tree (Acicia modesta) in the study area. It was also found that the open nests of Common Myna turned to be unsuccessful one due to the predation by the predatory animals like Common Crow and Rufous treepie.
Common Myna; Nesting site; Open nest; Acicia modesta; Udhampur
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