Impact of organic and inorganic growth regulators with two soaking time duration on germination indices and seedling vigor of Pigeon pea (Cajanus Cajana (L) Millspaugh) seeds

Abdelmalik Omar Ahmed Idris 1, Fatima Abdallah Mohammed Ahmed 1, Omsalama Ali Ahmed Abdelrahim 2, Doha ALi AL-Smmani Mohamed 3 and Badr ELdin Abdelgadir Mohammed Ahmed 4, *

1 Department of Biology and Chemistry, Faculty of Education, University of Gadarif, Sudan.
2 Faculty of Education New Halfa, University of Kassala, Sudan.
3 Agricultural Research Corporation, Sudan.
4 Crop Science Department, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Kassala, Sudan.
Research Article
International Journal of Science and Research Archive, 2024, 13(02), 3685-3692.
Article DOI: 10.30574/ijsra.2024.13.2.2522
Publication history: 
Received on 19 November 2024; revised on 26 December 2024; accepted on 28 December 2024
A two factor pots experiment was conducted during winter season of 2018/2019 investigate effects of two growth regulator and soaking time on germination indices and seedling vigor of Pigeon pea seeds. The experiment was laid out according RCBD with three replications. Parameters studied include germination indices; Final germination percentage FGP, Mean daily germination MDG, Daily germination speed DGS and vigor index. Also, seedling dry weight, length and root length were measured. The results indicated that soaking seeds of pigeon pea enhanced germination behaviors and seedling characters. Application of GA or lemon at medium level concentration increased all characters measured in this study particularly under longer time of soaking. The positive effected of soaking with water with combination of GA significantly increased germination indices and seedlings growth characters. In conclusion, as a result, soaking seeds of pigeon pea with application of medium growth regulator concentrations could increase the seed germination indices and seedling growth characters.
Pigeon pea; Gabralline; Lemon growth regulators; Germination indices; Seedling vigor
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