Customer satisfaction strategy design for mandatory SNI product certification services at the product certification body (LSPro) of Balai Sertifikasi using the SERVQUAL Method and SWOT Analysis

Anugrah Pangeran * and Novandra Rhezza Pratama

Department of Industrial Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Indonesia.
International Journal of Science and Research Archive, 2024, 12(01), 2334–2353.
Article DOI: 10.30574/ijsra.2024.12.1.1015
Publication history: 
Received on 23 April 2024; revised on 05 June 2024; accepted on 08 June 2024
The mandatory implementation of the Indonesian National Standard (SNI), regulated by existing regulations in Indonesia, applies to both domestic and imported products, requiring compliance from businesses with the SNI and possessing the SNI Product Usage Certificate (SPPT SNI) issued by the Product Certification Body (LSPro). One of the LSPros in Indonesia is the LSPro Balai Sertifikasi, which provides mandatory SNI product certification services. The SERVQUAL questionnaire helps identify service deficiencies and strengths and measures their significance, while SWOT analysis highlights weaknesses, strengths, opportunities, and threats. SERVQUAL results indicate that service quality below customer expectations can lead to dissatisfaction. From the SWOT matrix, the most relevant implementation strategies are identified. The QSPM matrix is used to strengthen SWOT findings and identify the most suitable strategies, with results indicating priority on strategies WO-1, WT-1, and ST-2 to enhance customer satisfaction with mandatory SNI product certification services at the LSPro Balai Sertifikasi.
Indonesian National Standard (SNI); Strategy; Customer Satisfaction; Product Certification Body (LSPro); SERVQUAL; SWOT Analysis; QSPM Matrix
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