Is Covid- 19 at home hospitalization a solution for better management of emerging and re-emerging infections?


1 AHH Covid-19 unit. faculty of medicine, Batna2 University. Batna -Algeria.
2 AHH Covid-19 unit. public hospital establishment. Batna -Algeria.
3 Department of pulmonary diseases, faculty of medicine, Batna2 University. Batna -Algeria.
Research Article
International Journal of Science and Research Archive, 2024, 12(01), 254–260.
Article DOI: 10.30574/ijsra.2024.12.1.0746
Publication history: 
Received on 19 March 2024; revised on 02 May 2024; accepted on 04 May 2024
Covid 19 at home hospitalization (AHH) is an attractive alternative to full hospitalization for some patients. In this context, AHH provides close monitoring of Covid-19 patients at home, as well as their families, to relieve hospital overcrowding.
Objective: To demonstrate the impact of extended covid-19 at home hopitalization (AHH) in patient management and its role in absorbing the epidemic explosion, and determine the epidemiological, clinical and psychological data of patients and their families with covid-19.
Materials and methods: This was a prospective, longitudinal, exhaustive study of symptomatic patients suspected of having Covid-19 and their family and friends who met the inclusion and exclusion criteria; were identified by the triage centers, the public hospital (PHE) and the HUC Batna’s hospital; and were hospitalized in the expanded Covid-19 AHH unit at the PHE in Batna during the period from August 09, 2020 to April 30, 2021. Data collection was based on a pre-established data sheet containing epidemiological, clinical and psychological data.
Results: From1449 patients reported, 190 refused to answer the questionnaire and 205 could not be contacted. We were able to compile 1054 covid-19 households, corresponding to 1054 patients meeting the inclusion and exclusion criteria, with 6607 family contacts. The average age in our series was 58.02 years, with a slight male predominance (sex ratio 1.1).
53.22% of our patients had one or more risk factors, the most frequently found being advanced age, cardiovascular pathologies and diabetes.
Benign casess were the most frequent, 43.6% versus 25.6% of severe forms. Care was taken early in 56.3% of cases. The outcome was favorable in 88% of cases, with 12% of our patient’s requiring hospitalization, and 0 deaths.
Conclusion: The value of this expanded Covid-19 AHH unit deserves to be supported and converted into a permanent unit to manage all emerging and re-emerging infections.
Covid-19 epidemic; Hospitalization at home (HAH); Surroundings; Clinical data; psychological sup
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