Comparative study of traffic signal design using Webster and IRC method

Prasad Bollini, Akhila Mood *, Sumanth Kumar Chinna Paga and Yaswanth Kumar Dharamakari

Department of Civil Engineering, CMR College of Engineering & Technology (A), Kandlakoya (V), Medchal District, Hyderabad-501401, Telangana State, India.
Research Article
International Journal of Science and Research Archive, 2024, 11(02), 1824–1831.
Article DOI: 10.30574/ijsra.2024.11.2.0662
Publication history: 
Received on 09 March 2024; revised on 17 April 2024; accepted on 20 April 2024
In India, the growth of population plays an important role in increasing the congestion at intersections because every person uses a separate vehicle for movement due to this reason we know every day many people die in road accidents due to lack of traffic control system because all intersections are not well signalized. So, it is not possible to control the movement of vehicles by traffic police due to the increase in the number of vehicles at intersections.
Therefore, all intersections should be well signalized and traffic signals are specially designed for the emergency vehicles like Ambulance, Fire vehicles because emergency vehicles face delay at intersections when traffic is at red light and it is very dangerous for our society. In this project, Design of traffic signals is done with the help of the Indian Road Congress (IRC) and Webster's method at Gajularamaram service road intersection. Traffic signals are a better option for effective transportation.
Traffic signal systems are used to control the flow of vehicles with the help of traffic lights, where Many roads meet together and make a junction. Traffic volume studies are used to lay down mainly how many vehicles are moving on the road at a particular section during a particular time. Traffic signals are the best way to control vehicle movement at intersections without any accidents and conflicts.
Traffic signal; Intersection; Congestion; Webster; IRC
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