Artificial intelligence in pharmaceutical technology and drug delivery design in Uganda

Nakachwa Alice 1 and Onyango Laban Oliver Owin 2, *

1 Graduate School Ndejje University, Uganda.
2 Department of Computing and Information Technology School of Science and Computing, Ndejje University, Uganda.
International Journal of Science and Research Archive, 2024, 12(02), 153–156.
Article DOI: 10.30574/ijsra.2024.12.2.1104
Publication history: 
Received on 07 May 2024; revised on 29 June 2024; accepted on 02 July 2024
Artificial intelligence (AI) has emerged as a powerful tool that harnesses anthropomorphic knowledge and provides expedited solutions to complex challenges. Remarkable advancements in AI technology and machine learning present a transformative opportunity in Uganda's drug discovery, formulation, and testing of pharmaceutical dosage forms. Researchers can identify disease-associated targets and predict their interactions with potential drug candidates by utilizing AI algorithms that analyze extensive biological data, including genomics and proteomics. This enables a more efficient and targeted approach to drug discovery, thereby increasing the likelihood of successful drug approvals in Uganda. Furthermore, AI can contribute to reducing development costs by optimizing research and development processes in Uganda's pharmaceutical industry. Machine learning algorithms assist in experimental design and can predict the pharmacokinetics and toxicity of drug candidates in Uganda. This capability enables the prioritization and optimization of lead compounds, reducing the need for extensive and costly animal testing in Uganda. Personalized medicine approaches can be facilitated through AI algorithms that analyze real-world patient data, leading to more effective treatment outcomes and improved patient adherence in Uganda. This comprehensive review explores the wide-ranging applications of AI in drug discovery, drug delivery dosage form designs, process optimization, testing, and pharmacokinetics/pharmacodynamics (PK/PD) studies in Uganda. This review provides an overview of various AI-based approaches utilized in pharmaceutical technology in Uganda, highlighting their benefits and drawbacks. Nevertheless, the continued investment in and exploration of AI in the pharmaceutical industry offers exciting prospects for enhancing drug development processes and patient care in Uganda.
Artificial intelligence; Pharmaceutical Technology; Drug Delivery Design and dosage
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